5-Day Medical Camp at the Ashram during Navarathri 2016
October 2, 2016 – Today marks the first day of the 5-day medical camp especially organized by the visiting USA devotees including three practicing physicians, under the new structure “Sri Vasudevananda Swamy Society of Healthcare Charitable Services (SVSSHCS)”??
Medical camp was held from October 2 to October 6, 2016 between 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
The great tradition of free Medical Camp during the Navarathri event continues. Manned mostly by the overseas devotees it was the most rewarding program for both the volunteers providing the service and the needy villagers receiving it.
With Amma’s blessings the team started the noble volunteer work beginning with the prayers.??
Today is the 3rd day of the Camp and everyone was thrilled to have Amma visit them and appreciate their humanitarian work.?
Sri Ram Gubbala of Boston, USA who was fully occupied in registering the patients got a surprise “pat on the back” when Amma sneaked behind him and surprised him.?
As Amma walked around another volunteer at the camp, Suzanne Slyman receives Amma’s “blessing hand” over her head and the gift of the ‘Om’ ring that Amma created for her.?
Patients wait their turn while watching the slideshow on basic hygiene and tips on proper care for common health afflictions and conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and pregnancy.
As the Medical Camp held their final day of free health services Amma dropped by to bless all the volunteers who rendered the noble selfless service.?
That concludes the 5 day medical camp. ?