Charter and Goals
1. Enable individual spiritual development and transformation towards realizing one’s own innate divinity by a deeper understanding and implementation of the spiritual principles and practices of Sanathana Dharma (also known as Hinduism) as guided by Sri Vasudevananda Swami.
2. In full recognition of the ‘Brotherhood of Man, and Fatherhood of God’, foster spiritual oneness with practitioners of all Religions, by reflecting understanding and respect.
3. Encourage spiritual progress by individual sadhana along the traditional spiritual paths of Bhakti (Devotion), Karma (Service) and Jnana (Knowledge)
4. Inculcate the spirit of “Vasudaiva Kutumbam” (Oneness of the Family of the Universe) by engaging in loving service of the needy.
5. Invest in the development of a robust spiritual organization under the guidance and leadership of Sri Vasudevananda Swami by building organizational structure and facilities to undertake initiatives for serving the needy communities around the Ashram, by engaging in such activities as Anna Daana (serving food), Vastra Daana (providing clothing), Vidya Daana (providing free education), and Vaidya Daana (providing free medical care).
6. Develop programs that teach young children and youth the fundamental spiritual values founded in Sanathana Dharma along the lines of the ‘Golden Rule’, to enable blossoming of their spiritual wisdom by engaging in service activities, and through participation in cultural and spiritual programs that underscore human values.