Mind is the cause of Bondage & Liberation
Mind is the cause of Bondage & Liberation
Oftentimes, some of us struggle to strike a balance between spiritual sadhana and ongoing family responsibilities. Amma, in the following message, asks us to use the most powerful tool that we all have, which is our mind/thoughts. It does not matter whether one is in Grihasta (Household Life) or a Sannyasa (Renounced Life), ultimately, one has to control the thoughts. Mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation. Amma has given examples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and others who were in family life, yet attained the highest spiritual levels. ????
Lokaa samastaa sukhino bhavantu!!!
Om santi santi santihi
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